James L Gordon Scout Council

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A visiting friend from Tokyo, Japan:

Photo taken during our Lunch at Max Restaurant (OIC Esquillo, Mr. Mizuta and Mr. Gomez)

Picture taken at Wesley School with 11 Model Scouts during their practice session last Saturday, Feb.17, 2007.

OIC Mario Esquillo initiated the contact with email sent to different scout organizations around the Asia Pacific, some made their response including "MAK" our new found friend from Troop 1 of Fuchu, Tokyo Japan (Asst. Sct. Master) and who also happens to be the President of JUZEN Taxi Cab. Corp., a member of Japan Junior Chamber Inc. and of Japan Transportation and Welfare.

"Mak" made a promise to continue communicating with our council and hopefully comeback soon with his young scouts for a joint inter-cultural activity. Most probably, in our next Council Urban Jamborette on October 2007.

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