James L Gordon Scout Council

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hi.This is Yves/12 yrs. Old from Olongapo city CENTEX school.

Sir Max Benson and Rev. Pol Lizada DU3ACG of DX3UNA extending warm regards to all. Happy JOTA JOTI 2006

Julian Christopher Mercado, Jussel Ralph, and Job ang mga gwapings

.,'hi p0h..This is j0y,13 yrs.Of age..Fr0m olongapo city.

Hi! This is Yufa, I am 14 years old, from Olongapo City

hi!this is amitai am 13 yrs. old from olongapo

Hi. This is Denise. I'm 11 years old. From Olongapo.

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